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glow in dark powder pigment
Product features
Photoluminescent pigments for long photoluminescence in various colours in darkness .  Let it charge the visible light briefly and it will glow in the dark for longer hours .
luminous glow in dark powder, long afterglowfluorescent powder)is a kind of light energy storage powder which can glow in the dark after absorbing various visible light under 450 nm and can be recharged countless times.

The pigment can be mixed as additive with the transparent media as coating, printing ink, paint, plastics, printing paste, ceramics, glassware and fiber to enable the media to glow in the dark. The pigment can glow different colors in the dark, and works with good performance for low-location emergency lighting, indication marks and decorations.

 powders and pigments are non-toxic, free of hazardous chemicals and radioactive substances. No wear of the luminosity.  stable for twenty years. Rechargeable, sustainable and regenerative .
Very long shining. Luminosity for more than 12 hours. 10 to 20 times stronger and longer burn time than conventional products Virtually unlimited light charging.

Illuminating  glow in dark pigment including 6 series:

  PL series photoluminescent pigment: alkaline earth aluminate material

  SP series photoluminescent pigment: alkaline earth silico-aluminate material

  S series photoluminescent pigment: alkaline earth silicate material

  M series photoluminescent pigment: mixture on base of other series
techinical data as below :

Can be used in all carrier fluids (resin, epoxy resin, acrylic, resin, varnish, paste, paint or glue). Recommended mixing ratio 1:2 (i.e. 1 part pigment to 2 parts binder or carrier). Processable up to 1,000 degrees Celsius. Insoluble in water! Extremely temperature resistant. Ideal for decorating, for ornamentation and can be applied to all kinds of surfaces.

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